The roads abound with motorcycle users and as the number of riders increase, so increases the chances of injury. In Tennessee alone, there are an estimated 3,000 accidents a year, about 140 of which are fatal. A pleasure ride can instantly become a life-altering event.
Motorcyclists are particularly susceptible to injury due to the open and exposed rider and there is no protective covering like in a car. Coupled with no seatbelts, the risk of injury is heightened.
In a fatal motorcycle accident, a wrongful death suit can help the suffering survivors receive adequate care.
The Chattanooga motorcycle accident attorneys at Berke, Berke & Berke know how much rides on full, just compensation for your injury. We also know skilled insurance defense lawyers are adept at raising the issue of comparative fault. Defense attorneys play up patterns of motorcycle riders to sway a jury that the accident was caused by your supposed reckless driving. If a defense attorney can label you partially accountable, it can bring devastating effects to your compensation.
At Berke, Berke & Berke, we’re serious trial lawyers with over 80 years of experience litigating high-stakes cases. We know what’s required to secure a verdict.
We question experts on accident reconstruction, evaluate road settings, interview witnesses, and build the strong case necessary to help get your full award. Our reputation for winning millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts, we're the tested attorney you need.
Berke, Berke & Berke handles all accident cases on a contingency basis. There’s no charge until we recover monetary damages by trial verdict or negotiated settlement. We proudly serve clients in Marion County, Hamilton County, and the surrounding areas.