A plane crash often has devastating consequences for the pilot, the passengers, and anyone or anything in the plane’s path. Boating accidents are notoriously hazardous because the danger of drowning exists. As with other victims of vehicle accidents, victims of aviation or boating accidents are entitled to compensation for physical and emotional injuries, medical costs (including future expenses), loss of life, and loss of property. The greater your loss, the more critical to contact the best attorney for help.
A key to recovery in an aviation accident is determining the cause of the crash to assign liability to the responsible party. It is vital to piece together through accident reconstruction the correct sequence of events to ensure protection and recovery for a victim.
Reconstructing an aviation accident to determine the precise cause is highly technical work that requires thorough knowledge and tested experience. Make sure your attorney has the resources to handle high-value, high-pressure litigation, and can point to a track record of success—like Berke, Berke, & Berke.
Accidents involving commercial or private watercraft have many causes—including operator error and vehicle defect—which presume personal or corporate responsibility. Alcohol consumption is a major cause of recreational boating accidents, often producing terrible consequences. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the influence of alcohol is involved in nearly one in five boating fatalities.
When an accident claims the lives of crew, passengers, or additional victims, their loved ones are unfairly deprived of companionship, affection, and the financial security the deceased may have contributed. If you’ve lost a loved one and are reeling, you need a skilled wrongful death attorney who can maximize the recovery for your terrible loss.
Aviation and boating accidents demand skillful representation from attorneys with experience in high-value cases. To schedule a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney at Berke, Berke & Berke, contact our Chattanooga office. We serve Hamilton County, Marion County, and the surrounding areas. If your injury prevents you from coming to us, we come to you.